Almost all successful college students practice this habit.
Most of us would like to succeed in life and in school.
A simple agenda or planner can help you in life and at school and is a habit many successful people practices. I teach school and at my school, almost all of our top students use a school planner.
A planner can help you plan ahead, reflect on the past, and provide action steps for today.
However, you can accomplish more with your planner.
First, set aside a time each day or evening that you look over your agenda. I recommend that it is at the same time each day. For example, I drink coffee so as I drink coffee I look over my agenda.
Use color for different events. Different activities can be in different colors. Test one color, birthdays another, important tasks another color.
This helps you have a quick scan of upcoming events.
Write in positive and meaningful quotes. These can be anything that motivates you or reminds you of who you want to be.
For example, I have written down, if you don’t ask you don’t get to remind yourself to just ask others.
Place these in a section of your agenda that you look at each day.
Write in a list of reflective questions that you can look over periodically to help give your life direction.
Here is an example list of reflective questions.
What do I need to do today to help me achieve my goals tomorrow?
Do I focus on what is important?
Do my friends make a positive or negative impact on my life?
What is my next step to achieve school success?
What can I do to improve?
What can I learn from my failures?
Did I let myself or others down today?
Do I dream big or have I settled?
How can I add adventure and excitement to my life?
Did I move out of my comfort zone today?
A nice mix of questions that reflect on the past, some looking forward, and some questions for today is really helpful.
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