Middle School Survival Guide
You can survive middle school and actually enjoy it.
Here are ten tips that I have learned from 25 years of teaching middle school that will help you in these middle grades.
These tips will help you improve your grades and excellent students practice most of these strategies.
1. Use an agenda daily. An agenda allows you to write down future events and stay organized.
The 10 strategies for not only surviving middle school but having success in school.
Here is a video that is a good starting point for memory hacks.
4. Pick good friends Find friends that are nice, motivated, and like similar activities that you enjoy.
Goals give you directions in life and help make life exciting. The goals can be as simple as reading every day, or mastering a sport but write down something that is exciting.
This allows you to avoid the average busting zero.
7. Exercise
Exercise has so many benefits. It lowers stress, helps your brain, and should be fun. Just pick something you enjoy.
8. Get enough sleep
Young adults do best on 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Strive to get this amount and you will do better in school and not be as grumpy to others.
9. Read 7 Habits Highly Effective Teens
I don't know the author, I have no connection with this book but I used this book at my school for many years and it has lots of great advice for students.
10. Be nice
If you can practice these 10 habits or tips on a weekly basis then you will do well in school. These habits are not easy, but very important.
In addition, you can do additional research on YouTube on these habits.
These videos will help.
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