1. Vacuoles are used for storage in cells.
2. A plant vacuole is much larger than an animal cell vacuole.
3. The central vacuole may take up between 30 to 70 percent of the plant cells volume.
4. In animal cells the vacuoles are smaller but you have more than one. The number of vacuoles depends on the type of animal cell.
5. Vacuoles isolate materials that might be harmful or a threat to the cell.
6. Vacuoles store waste products and water.
7. Vacuoles help maintain internal turgor pressure within plant cells The turgor pressure is the force that pushes the cell membrane against the cell wall. If you have seen a plant wilt, the turgor pressure is low.
8. The central vacuole in plant cells allows plants to support structures such as leaves and flowers due to the turgor pressure of the central vacuole.
9. Vacuoles are also found in fungal cells, protists, and some bacteria have vacuoles.
10. Protists have a contractile vacuole that expands and contracts to help maintain the proper amount of fluid in the protist.
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