Let’s learn about cardinal directions
Why? .... well let’s see.
Time for a road trip. Your directions say to start at the center of the 48 states near Lebanon Kansas. Then drive north until you reach the next border then turn and go west until you reach another border and then south to the middle of the next state.
Where do you end up?
In order to navigate these directions, you need to know your cardinal directions.
The cardinal directions are found on maps and compasses and can be found on a compass rose. Here is one example of a compass rose.
What are the different directions found on a compass rose?
An easy way to remember this is to use Never Eat Soggy Waffles
If you go in a clockwise manner you get North East South West
Between south and west add southwest and final between west and north add northwest
These are intermediate measurements.
So Remember, Never eat those soggy waffles to stay on the correct path.
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