Learn how the electrons are distributed in elements 1 through 18.
When distributing electrons in these elements follow these guidelines.
- Shell 1 or K shell can hold 2 electrons
- Shell 2 or L shell can hold up to 8 electrons
- Shell 3 or M shell can hold up to 8 electrons
The valence electrons are the electrons in the outer shell.
Period 1 These elements will have 1 valence electron.
Element 1 is Hydrogen in group 1 and contains one energy shell and 1 electron.
Element 2 Helium period 1 group 18 and is the one exception because it has 2 valence electrons in the outer shell
Period 2 which each has 2 energy shells.
Element 3 Lithium found in group 1 has 2 electrons in k shell and 1 valence electron in L
Element 4 Beryllium is found in group 2 and has 2 electrons in k shell and 2 valence electrons in L
Element 5 Boron Is found in group 13 and has 2 electrons in k and 3 valence electrons in L
Element 6 Carbon Is found in group 14 and has 2 electrons in k and 4 valence electrons in L
Element 7 Nitrogen Is found in group 15 and has 2 electrons in k and 5 valence electrons in L
Element 8 Oxygen Is found in group 16 and has 2 electrons in k and 6 valence electrons in L
Element 9 Fluorine Is found in group 17 and has 2 electrons in k and 7 valence electrons in L
Element 10 Neon Is found in group 18 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 valence electrons in L
Period 3 with 3 electron shells
Element 11 Sodium Is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 1 valence electron in m
Element 12 Magnesium Is found in group 2 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 2 valence electrons in m shell.
Element 13 Aluminium and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 3 electron in m
Element 14 Silicon is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 4 electron in m.
Element 15 Phosphorus Is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 5 electrons in m
Element 16 Sulfur Is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 6 electrons in m
Element 17 Chlorine Is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 7 electrons in m
Element 18 Argon Is found in group 1 and has 2 electrons in k and 8 electrons in L and 8 electrons in m
Watch how the electrons are distributed.