Learn to nultiply any number by 11.
If you just have two numbers you complete the following.
Write the nmber you are multiplying by 11 with a space.
Add the two numbers together.
Write this product in the space.
Here is an example
54 x 11
5 4
5+4 =9
Answer= 594
Example 2
68 x 11
6 8
6+8 = 14
Answer = 6 write the one's value and add ten to the first digit = 748
58 x 11
5 8
5 + 8 = 13
Answer =5+1 =638
When you have a number like 436 x 11 you add each number.
The video works example problems.
4 6
6+3 =9
3 + 4 =7
Answer = 4796
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