I love Pinterest for many reasons. I find Pinterest fun,easy to use, and it is a great place to discover new ideas. I spend a lot of time on Pinterest looking for Math resources. I have found that lots of teachers love Pinterest and share some amazing Math resources.Here is my list of 10 Math boards that you must check out.
School Math This board has lots of middle school material and late elementary Math resources.
Math This board has over 8000 pns. Lots of Math resources. Mainly elementary, and middle school Math
Everything Math The title describes the board. You can find a little bit of everything related to Math here.
Teach Math An outstanding collection of elementary school Math material.
Algebra 2 The title describes the what you will find on this board. This board has over 1000 followers and great resources.
Math This is a fun Math board. It has lesson ideas,Math humor,T-shirts, and other Math materials and ideas to help in Algebra 2.
Math Education This focuses mainly on high school geometry. Lots of pins, and a wide variety of resources.
Math Class You could spend a long time at this Math board. It has over 2000 pins that mainly cover high school Math subjects. I really enjoy this board.
Math Resources and helpful information This board has resources for high school and middle school math. The board includes videos,lesson plans,Math humor,and more.
Math Grades 7-12 The title says it all. This site is really growing in popularity and has lots and lots of great resources.
You can check out my Math material at any of the following locations.
If you have a Pinterest Math board that you have found helpful please leave a comment below so we can share this resource with the world.
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10 Pinterest Math Boards you must check out!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
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